
Add some spice to your server with ALPH4's utilities


/remind <time> <reminder>

Sets a reminder for yourself

/add-emoji <emoji>

Add emojis from other servers to your own

The prefix can only be up to 3 characters long

Reaction Roles


/reaction-roles create

Creates the reaction role panel

/reaction-roles remove

Removes the reaction role panel

/reaction-roles add <message> <emoji> <role>

Adds a reaction role to a message

/reaction-roles remove <message> <emoji>

Removes a reaction role from a message

/reaction-roles list

Lists reaction roles for a message



/giveaway [winners] [time] [gift]

Sets up a giveaway in your server

/reroll [message]

Rerolls the winner for a giveaway

/end-giveaway [message]

Ends a giveaway in your server

The maximum number of days a giveaway can last is 24 days due to Discord limits

Youtube Feeds


/youtube add-feed <channel>

Sets automated Youtube feeds in your channel

/youtube remove-feed <channel>

Stops a Youtube feed in your server

You can only set 2 Youtube feeds per server and 1 per channel

Suggestion Commands


/suggestion-channel <channel>

Sets the suggestion channel in your server

/suggest <suggestion>

Suggest something

/suggestion <accept|deny> <id>

Accept or deny a suggestion by ID

Suggestion IDs can be found on the suggestion message itself

Search Commands


/google <query>

Searches Google

/youtube <query>

Searches Youtube for a video

/wiki <query>

Searches Wikipedia

/giphy <query>

Searches for a GIF

/github <query>

Searches for a Github account

/discord <query>

Searches Discord for support

/twitter <query>

Searches Twitter for an account

Server Commands


/invites leaderboard

Invite leaderboard


Sets up the ticketing system in your server


Closes a ticket for the ticketing system


Remove the ticket system

/invites bot

Provides the bot invite

/nick <user> <name>

Sets the nickname of a user


Displays the total members in your server


Lists all the roles in your discord server


Need any assistance with the bot? Use this command

Information Commands


/info covid

Displays the latest COVID19 Stats

/weather <city>

Displays the weather in a specified location

/lyrics <song>

Provides the lyrics of a song

/info boosters

Lists all the boosters in your server

/info channel <channel>

Displays information about a channel

/info role <role>

Displays information about a role

/info user <user>

Provides information about a user profile

/info server

Displays information about your server

/info emoji <emoji>

Displays information about an emoji

/avatar <user>

Provides the avatar of a user

Custom Commands


/custom-commands add

Adds a custom command

/custom-commands remove

Edits a custom command

/custom-commands edit

Removes a custom command

/custom-commands list

Lists your custom commands

Message Commands


/send message

Sends a message as the bot

/send image

Sends an image as the bot

/send edit

Edits the bots message

Last updated